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Founder of sheperd bushiri minstries

Prophet Sheperd Bushiri

Time Line

From the begining to the Present

Please sit back as we take you back on the journey of the most high servent of God.   

Mysterious Birth

My mother told that my birth was a mystery because the doctors said she would not deliver a normal but through out the operation and the chances of my survival was minimal. My mother refused to accept operation and insisted that 'her baby would be born normally' and this made the doctors to abandon her in her time of expecting and the expected child to die. After sometime, the doctors came back only to see the woman had delivered a baby boy safetly and she praised god that "The lord is my Sheperd" and named me Sheperd.


I am the forth born in a family of six. when i was born a lot of strange things happend. At The age of 5years, my parents were amazed to see great light shinging in my room and i was told that strange occurrences had been happending to me. i remember when i was 8 years old i had an encounter with god. I saw a man who appeared like jesus he held my hand and gave me a small bible and told me to swallow it, After this i had a lot of god's vistitation and i was told that god is going to use me immediately the spirit of revelations came to me i was able to reveal hidden things of god to my parents and people.

Manifesting of the prophetic utterance

At the age of 9 years i was lead to recieve Christ and the  prophetic utterance bagane to manifest in me. God told me he had chose me to be a prophet. "I saw in a trance i saw my self walking with jesus and i saw a big cloud of people others climing trees: and jesus asked "why were this people following" and i answered that they are following to you see jesus and immdiately he dissapeared.

The beginning of the road

in 2009, I answered God's call to start my own ministry called Enlighten christian gathering church internatinal, while i was democractic republice of congo (DRC).

When i came back from DRC, We immediatly started the church in mzuzu and we were  pray under a tree in a deserterd land because it was a swampy area (dambo) and not acctepetable for any construction. But on the 7th of 2009, The church was officially opened and people started coming to the deserted place.

Prophet Bushiri opened a facebook page

March 9, 2011 welcome to the offical facebook page of prophet sheperd bushiri. today the page has over 480 000 followers all over the world 

official website

March 26, 2001 The launch of the first ever website of the ministry

called prophet sheperd later changed to and agine to and with over 100 000 monthly visitors

Got marrried to Marry Zgambo

July 30, 2011 prophet sheperd bushiri truly tide the not by marrying the love of her life now known as Prophetess Marry Bushiri. happy and serving the lord with their lifes, Pushing the word of god all over the world. A match made in heaven.

They're first born child

december 25, 2012 prophetess Mary Bushiri gave birth to their first baby girl called Isrealla Bushiri.

The Launch of Prophetic channel

Prophetic channel is beaming outstanding miracles, signs and wonders happending in the name of our lord through his servent prophet sheperd bushiri, prophetic channel exists to enable every television household to exprience the the prophetic so that they may believe in him, call apon his name, and be saved.

New beginnings

moving the head quarters of the ministry to another country.

in the move that drew wide spead of cricticism in the country major 1 moved the head quateres of sheperd bushiri ministries to pretoria,south africa. the ministry grew a hundrend hold and news of miracles and prophecy performed by his servent major 1 spread like wild fire across the globe. followers from the west Latin America, Asia, Europe and other parts of Africa flocks to hear the word of the lord spoken through his servent major 1.

ECG grew over the last 2years at an uneprecedented rate confirming that god in the relocation of the head quarters of sheperd bushiri minstries. 

Cross over 2015 to 2016

December 31, 2015 prophet sheperd bushiri filles the largest stadium on the african continent for a cross over service. more than 100 000 followers of prophet sheperd bushiri ministries from all over the world joined major 1 for this annual crossover service. 

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