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A global learder that is able to take advises and give advises to other leaders


Since Prophet Sheperd Bushiri started the famous ECG church he has been opptunitied to meet and dine with different presidents. Its been 5years now since prophet sheperd bushiri met with the first and the only female president honourable former Malawi president MRS Joyce Banda. 


Raising the awareness of givin back and helping those ineed.

Giving back its been a great exprience for the prophet as a token to thank God for all that he has blessed him in his life. Also has a passionate heart to help the needed and also showing an example to every one that we can all stand togather and help one another " know one is too poor to give and know one is too rich to recieve. 


Teaching us the importance of loving and caring and being a father.

Major loves his physical family and greatful to god for blessing him with such a wonderful family. appriating the the large spiriual family that the lord has given him, Always availing himself for every church service and enhancing the talents and gifts of his sons an and daughters.

Submission as a son

These are prophet sheperd bushiri's parents. Revealing to us the important of submitting as son, the respect and obidence that a son or daughter must have towards his or she's parents

Prophet sheperd bushiri Spiritual parents. Senoir Prophet Ubert Angel and Prophet bevely Angel. this are the parents are who told me to come to south africa to establish ECG church and taught him how to run a ministry. gave him spiritual teaches and advise and imparted the word of god in my life terms of revelations with spiritual up liftment. I praise god everyday for give me such amazing parents, they are the best parents in the world.

Prophet sheperd bushiri physcal parents.


"When i was growing up i was taught by my parents how to respect other people and love, care for others How to behaviour as a boy and groomed me to the successful man that i am today. Above all accepting the prophetic gift apon my life and encourage me to seek more of god presents, I love them so much i don't know what i would have done or become if it wasn't for their love, Care and teaches.

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